The Surrogacy Journey
In order to match compatible Intended Parents an interview process is necessary. Each Surrogate Mother who offers her help to a Surrogacy agency or Surrogacy provider will need to be asked a series of questions. After the answers are reviewed by the Surrogacy Providers then the Surrogate Mother will wait until she is selected through the matching process. The matching processes is usually based on meeting the needs and values similar to that of the IP's in order to develop a trust worthy relationship with both parties involved.
Here is an example of the types of questions that might be asked to potential Surrogate Mothers during their interview:
1. Are you hoping to have more children?
2. How long have you been with your partner?
3. Why do you want to become a Surrogate Mother?
4. Will your family be supportive of your Surrogacy decision?
5. What religion are you?
6. Three words to describe your personality?
7. What are your favorite things?
8. Describe your physical characteristics?
9. What is your Educational Background?
10. Have you ever been a Surrogate Mother?
11. What relationship do you expect to have with your Intended Parents?
12. Do you have a set financial fee? Is it negotiable?
13. Do you wish to have future contact with the child/family?